Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Road Trip continued

Alex and us at the Springs Museum.
Alex and cousin Abby on the train.
Alex waiting for cousin Cyrus to get down so she could chase him or attack him. I nicknamed her the "new Maggie". Ryan and Brittney have a pug dog that is so hyper, she jumps up on everything and everyone - she bugs the kids. Alex was sort of like that with her boy cousins - she didn't know when to leave them alone or to not push them or bonk them on the head (ie. sacrament meeting). I don't know why she gravitates to boys, I hope she grows out of it!


dave&abby johnson family said...

Your little girl is adorable! looks like life is going well for you and your happy! I found you through the world of blogging, and thought I would say hello.

Hope all is well.

Abby Johnson
(Clawson) Remember me?

Anonymous said...

Alex is soo precious and pretty...I love her!