Sunday, June 22, 2008

True confessions of a postpartum girl!

Ok, I am in DESPERATE need of some major weight loss MIRACLE! I know, I know, I just had a baby 2 1/2 months ago, be easy on myself, right? But, hello...look at my muffin top!!!! Well, I am officially done breast feeding as of yesterday and of course it's sad but now I'm reved up and ready to go. I've lost my Samantha weight, but now have my Alexandra weight to lose. I tried South Beach a few weeks ago, I lost 10 lbs in the first week and nothing for the following 3 weeks. I chalked it up to nursing. I'd like to try it again, but if any of you reading this has had some personal success PLEASE share. I'm up for anything, especially if it's FREE. I'm sending out this SOS tonight because today I just felt really unhappy about my body and I'm tired of feeling like that - it shouldn't control my emotions like it does. I really want to have a healthy body image for myself but also for my girls. Oh, and I'd like to fit back into my skinny clothes!


kara jayne said...

Yes, you should be easy on yourself!!! It took me a good 9 months to a year with #'s 2, 3, and 4 to lose the weight. It was hardest for me with Max (#3).

The thing that really helped me and has been easy to incorporate into my life is the Abs Diet by David Zinczenko. He is the editor of Men's Health, but has now put out a version for Women. (I read the original and found it just fine for women). Having some background in health and fitness I really liked that he explained things logically, and had research to back it up.

I was amazed that I NEVER felt hungry. Seriously. I think the fact that he really likes you to have a healthy snack between meals is key. I always felt satisfied and knew I was eating great foods.

As much as I am a fan of exercise, the main thing is to watch what you put in your mouth. That is THE HARDEST thing for me. Exercise does really help in the energy, attitude, and mental state though, and that is always HUGE!!

Just so you know, I think you are GORGEOUS! I think I've told you before, but I always thought you were the prettiest girl in High School. I wanted eyebrows cheekbones, lips...OK...everything like you!!

Kristy said...

I hear you! I would love my baby weight to disapear as fast as it came! I am a big health person who believes in slow smart changes in eating and exercise. A lifestyle change. The problem is actually doing it!!!! I have a really hard time because I love food. But I also love to exercise. This diet is one my mom does when she wants to lose weight fast. It is designed for heart patients and is sort of a cleansing diet. I did it for three days once and lost 10 pounds. But like I said it really has to be lifetime change. A jumpstart may not hurt. You are a beautiful person inside and out!

Julie said...

Mel I feel your pain!! I have lost a ton of inches and feel pretty good. However it has not been easy. It's called cardio, cardio, cardio. And then writing down EVERYTHING that you eat. Including calories, fat grams, protien, and carbs. I can't tell you what your personal portions and calorie intake is at, but I will tell you mine and you can go off that. I ate in between 1300-1500 calories. Eating less than that actually does more harm and your body holds on to the weight so you need to make sure you are eating enough. Then I was allowed around 40 grams of fat, 90 grams of protien and 100 grams carbs. I hated doing this put it really really helped me. I ate what I needed to to fullfil certain cravings but I just realized that I needed to portion control and be choosey with what I eat. It is hard and will continue to be because it is not a diet. It is a lifestyle. Don't you hate when people say that? But it is true. It has worked for me and I feel great. #1 key is try to be patient! You look awesome and you are a mommy. Remember that that alone makes you beautiful!

Nordhoff Family said...

Oh Mel, You know I feel you. I did the same thing with wieght watchers and working out. Lost 10 lbs and then nothing else happened after that for a month. If you do get some amazing advice pass it on to me, because I am in the boat with you.

Cait said...

I know how you feel! My weight came of really fast and easy with Brooklyn, so I was expecting the same... guess I shouldn't have! I don't have any advice, but I enjoyed reading the advice that others gave. Good Luck!

Elly said...

Same boat here. It's always taken me a year to get back down to pre-pregnancy weight, but I gained extra this time and it seems to be hanging around more--or maybe I'm just extra anxious. And my spotty walking isn't doing much. Maybe we should do something together? I just don't know what.

Mama Williams said...

You're already looking great! Be patient and give it time and keep moving moving moving. No secrets. Eat well and exercise. I would put my babies on my leg while laying on my back and lift them. Play time/exercise time. Give yourself 9 months to get back into shape.It took 9 months to get out of shape, and it was worth it...she is so cute. Thanks for sharing her with me Sunday! :)

dave&abby johnson family said...

You are BEAUTIFUL MEL!!! I wish I could look like you after having a baby!!

Alida K said...

Mel I hear you! I'm really hard on myself too so I totally understand. We get impatient and just want it gone. I found it way harder to lose the weight the 2nd time. I found a new way to workout that's kinda fun and seems to really help. I do weights at home and in between them I skip. Haven't skipped since I was a kid, it's kinda fun! Also lots of other cardio- walking and running. And if you want a jumpstart the GM Diet is good. Just google it and you'll find it. It's kinda like the cabbage soup diet. It's tough but really helps. Good Luck! And by the way I think you look awesome.

Melissa said...

How's it goin? What a beautiful baby you and Chris have.
I know that Alma just recently did Body for Life and lost 15-20 lbs. He said that he likes it because it's not like a typical fad diet. It's just a healthy way of eating/exercise. You can either check the book out at the library or get the info for free by googling Body For Life.
If you need a work out partner, I need to start working out at the Community center. Let me know if you'd be interested.

Aimee said...

Mel, You look so good. Look how skinny your face is! I know how bad you want the weight off. Same here! I am so impressed that you already lost the weight from Samantha. I still have 20 lbs from #4. I have found that the more babies you have, the harder it is to lose the weight. And it is harder to lose once you turn 30. I am just trying to exercise and eat well (limit treats, which is hard for me!) It's coming off, a lb or 2 a week. It just takes time!

Lisa Cannon said...

Heck, I'm not going to worry about it until I'm done having kids. I just need to hurry up and finish, then I'll really get into working out. I'm so lazy!

You look great! It will come off. It just takes time. I know how frustrating it is though. It was so easy for me with Will and Ben to loose the weight - fast. Max was another story. I just couldn't get back. Finally I am, and I'm ready to do it again. I think the key is watching what you eat. So HARD!

Jill said...

Jenny Craig. I lost over 40 pounds and it's stayed off. I'm shooting for 20 more. It totally worked for me but it costs $$. Totally worth it though--esp if you don't want to think about what to cook. You look beautiful though, no matter what. I'm serious.
What is your email address? I'm going private tonight.


I don't have the answer, but when I saw your picture, I thought how great you look. You really do look hot. But I know that doesn't help much with how you are feeling.

My parents once did the cabbage soup thing (probably like Kristy mentioned). It was good. I would say the most effective way would be to do Jenny Craig. That's what I would do if I had the money. But it is probably worth it.

Our morning walks will help too. I miss those! I enjoy spending the time with you.

Jay and Bec said...

I feel for you too! I just wish you weren't so hard on yourself. You are SO beautiful Mel. The weight WILL come off. My advice is no matter what you do, stick with it. You will have periods of weight loss, followed by none. Your body will get with the program, and in time, it will slowly but surely melt away! Hang in there!

Annie said...

Mel, Mel, look great. Just don't stress about it and the weight will come off. And update your blog...I want to see more pics of your kiddos!

Cheryl said...

hey mel! i hear you, having a healthy body image is hard for me too. what helps me is watching what i eat, and weight training mixed in w/ cardio. i learned a lot from body for life, it taught me good eating habits (how to eat healthy snacks that leave me satisfied), quick cardio (20 mins.), and great weight lifting basics. weight training is really key, you need muscle to burn fat. anyway, check out the book i really liked it. just so you know, you've always been such a beautiful woman to me!